alone –– together


WL & Sarah by ivan *NEW*
Adrian & Diana by xinning
Aloy & Charm by xinning & ivan
Chiyong & Xinnie by xinning
Elroy & Jill by xinning
Firas & Jia by xinning
Jonathan & Denise by xinning
Kim & Jeff (35mm) by ivan
Koon & Ginger by xinning
Marshall & Grace by xinning
Mash & Debra by xinning
Stefanus & Angie by ivan
Terence & Claire by xinning & ivan
Wallace & Fel (35mm) by ivan


Mark & Michelle *NEW* by ivan
Chris & Becky by ivan
Ein & Konnie by xinning
Jac (ob + lyn) by xinning
Jerome & Shaan by xinning
Jonathan & Gail by xinning
Larry & Sin Nee
by ivan
Penghan & Suhua by xinning



You might recognize Larry & Sin Nee’s beautiful HDB apartment from their solemnization earlier last year. It was really nice working with them again for their engagement shoot, from which you can see a beautiful rapport between us build up over the course of months.

Most of the places we shot at were mundane, insignificant places to many people and photographers. HDB void decks and Zouk’s empty car-park lots for instance. Not that we wanted to take the off-beaten track for the sake of doing it, but more because we wanted to excavate a piece of something special to us. And I’m thankful for that.

*This set was shot on a combination of digital and film formats.